If you are looking to buy a property, do your research on the area you would like to buy in. Contact all agents that sell in this area and chat to them about what you are hoping to buy. They will be able to direct you to any suitable homes they may have for sale. A good agent will keep your details to notify you if a suitable property comes up. Most properties are listed on property websites and these will give you valuable information on prices in your chosen area.

When you are talking to your agent they will need to know several important things, including what your budget is and how you will be paying for the property. Many people need to sell a current house before they can buy, others need to have finance from a financial lender. Having pre-approval lets the agent know you are serious buyers as well as your budget.  It’s also important to develop a list of must have’s, like to have and not so important. Knowing what your “deal breakers” are before you look will help clarify your search.

Country Lane Realty do not charge any fees to the buyer. This includes viewing properties or for information and services provided by Country Lane realty. Buyers may wish to make further enquiries from other entities which may incur a cost.

The website is updated with 45 minutes of any changes to a listing or a new property going online. This is the same timeframe for all commercial websites that the property is listed with as well. Therefore any changes to a listing is quickly updated and always relevant across all websites.

It is not essential to have pre-approval for finance before looking at a property to buy, however having pre-approval indicated a serious level of commitment towards buying a property. Often it may be easier to use a mortgage broker as they have a large range of lenders they can apply to, whereas a bank does not have that option.

Once you have found a property to buy, the next step is to sign a contract. Country Lane Realty use only approved standard REIQ contracts. We will discuss and include the various options in the contract to suit you. You can also have your conveyancer look over the contract before you sign. You then pay an agreed deposit. You will have an agreed timeframe to obtain finance and conduct a building and pest inspection, usually two to three weeks. Once these have been conducted and the results approved by the buyers the contract in then unconditional, i.e. there are no more conditions to the contract. In approximately three weeks after this the property settles. This is when the money is paid to the sellers and the buyers become the new owners.


As with many services there are fees associated selling a property. The main fee is commission which is calculated as a percentage of the actual sale price. This commission is paid to the agent when the property sells and is deducted along with fees and charges from other businesses i.e. conveyancing, council fees, rates etc. Having your property professionally advertised is vital, this includes professional photos and videos which may or not be included in your agent’s fees – be sure to clarify this.

I am more than happy to do a video or virtual tour of a property for buyers.  In fact I strongly recommend a video of the property be part of the advertising mix. This gives buyers a great insight into what they will be viewing when they visit the property. Call or email me and we can arrange a suitable time for everyone. 

It is a good idea to work closely with your conveyancer, they will be able to notify you of any legal matters relating to buying or selling.


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